Thursday, May 29, 2008

Colonial Williamsburg Tour

Tour to Colonial Williamsburg

It's confirmed!
The NEOEA bus is "on" for the 2008 NEA RA!
Now, how about a "field trip"?

Discovery Tours is offering a cost-effective tour to Colonial Williamsburg on Tuesday, July 1. The package includes travel to Williamsburg from our DC hotel and a day pass to Williamsburg for a fee of $40. We'll schedule the trip in order to return on time for Ohio Night.

Subject to capacity, this trip is available to all: you do not need to be taking the bus to DC in order to join us for the the Williamsburg trip. But seats are limited, so place your reservation now! The deadline for reservations is Friday, June 13.

Orders are being taken by Discovery Tours, and credit cards (MasterCard and Visa) are accepted. Reservations can be made over the telephone at 216/531-8884.

For more information, contact Chip Cipolletti at Discovery Tours by telephone; or email Chip at

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

NEOEA Night 2008

Attending the NEA Representative Assembly in Washington, DC?

Join us on July 3 for an evening with the Potomac Nationals, the “high-A” affiliate of the Washington Nationals.

Join the “NEOEA Chorus” on the field before the game to lead the fans in singing the National Anthem, and then encourage NEOEA President André Taylor as he tosses out the first pitch!

Your ticket for NEOEA Night includes:
  • Bus transportation (we will be departing the Convention Center at 5:30 and returning to the Marriott at 11:30 p.m.)
  • Admission to the Potomac Nationals baseball game
  • A $6 coupon redeemable for ball-park food
  • A cash refund of $10 (delegates only)
NEOEA delegates will pay a $10 deposit, which will be refunded in cash on the bus. (Non-delegate registration costs $31.) Capacity is limited: 80 tickets are available, and registrations will be confirmed in the order in which they come in. Include your check for the full amount due, made payable to NEOEA.

Use the order form mailed to delegates last week, or get it online at

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Order Your Shirt - 2008

NEA Delegate Shirt Order

In 2008, NEOEA will once again provide a complimentary shirt for northeastern Ohio delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly. This year’s item is a Port Authority “wrinkle-free,” cotton-poly blend, long-sleeved button-down shirt in royal blue. And - new for 2008 - the shirts can be ordered in men's (the shirtmakers like to call it "unisex") and ladies' sizes!

Shirts will be ordered to delegates’ individual specifications. Provide the requested information by Friday, May 23, and we will bring your shirt to the delegate caucus in Columbus on Saturday, June 7. Or provide the information by Friday, June 13, and we’ll bring your shirt to the Ohio caucus in Washington on Tuesday, July 2.

The order form has been posted at You can download it, fill it out on your computer, and attach it to an email to Executive Assistant Linda Grunden at; or you can fill it out by hand and fax it to us at 440/845-2695.

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