Wednesday, April 30, 2008

NEA RA 2008 Transportation

RA Bus Deadline Extended
"Leave the Driving to Us," 2008 version

(We don't have our list of this year's NEA delegates yet, so we recently sent the following message to last year's NEA delegates.)

Looking for an alternative way to get to Washington for this year's RA? If so, you may want to consider riding with NEOEA.

With the assistance of our friends at Discovery Tours, NEOEA has arranged an option of bus transportation to Washington for the NEA Representative Assembly. The bus will travel to Washington on Monday, June 30, and return on Monday, July 7. The western pickup point will be the NEOEA office in Parma Heights; additional pickup points further east will be based on demand. The bus will drop us off in DC directly at the Ohio headquarters hotel. The fare is $197.

The projected departure time from Parma Heights is 7:00 AM; the projected arrival time at our hotel in DC is 3:00 PM.

Discovery Tours will also offer a cost-effective "field trip" to Colonial Williamsburg on Tuesday, July 1. The package includes travel to Williamsburg from our DC hotel and a day pass to Williamsburg for a fee of $40. We'll schedule the trip in order to return on time for Ohio Night. It is not necessary to take the DC bus to take the Williamsburg trip.

These are separate trips, and they will take place only if we sell at least 30 seats on the bus to DC. The deadline for orders for the RA bus is Friday, May 9; orders for the Williamsburg bus will be accepted later.

Orders are being taken by Discovery Tours, and can be made over the telephone. Discovery Tours accepts checks, MasterCard, and Visa. Checks and credit card orders will be held until after May 9 and returned if we do not sell enough tickets to reserve the bus.

Please note: The previously-announced deadline was May 2; due to demand, that reservation deadline has been extended to May 9.

For more information, contact Chip Cipolletti at Discovery Tours.

Telephone: (216) 531-8884
